Course Change Procedures
Course Change Requests
1. Before any change is considered, students must demonstrate they have utilized all available resources including, but not limited to:
- Speaking with their teacher during ACE intervention
- Working with the teacher during their office hours
- Attending after-school peer tutoring!
2. If the concern still exists, there must be a face to face conference between the teacher and parent to address any concerns. After the conference, a time period of 2-3 weeks must be given to address concerns discussed at the meeting.
3. If a strong concern still exists, the parent must email the Assistant Principal, outlining the concerns and reasons for the request and the steps that have been taken before that point to resolve the problem. At this time, a second face to face conference may be necessary.
*Adhering to the above policy means that a change will be considered, not that a change will be made. If you have further questions, please contact your counselor, directly.
Concerns regarding a Class?
If you (student or parent) have concerns about a class, the typical steps to follow are below.
- Student should speak to or email the teacher about concerns.
- Parent should email or request a meeting with the teacher to address their concern, if it continues.
- Student or parent should reach out to their Counselor (see below) if the concerns continue.
- Student or parent should reach out to the Assistant Principal (see below) if the concerns continue.
- Parent should reach out to the Principal if concerns continue.
SSHS Teachers: Staff-Directory
SSHS Counselors:
Ms. Thompson (last names A-Go) -
Ms. McCabe (last names Gr-N) -
Mr. Trowbridge (last names O-Z) -
Assistant Principal:
Curriculum & Instruction: Mrs. Dennert
Schedule changes may be made for the following reasons only:
- Student is lacking a graduation requirement and does not have it scheduled.
- Did not meet the course prerequisite with a "C" or better.
- Duplicate (same class assigned twice) class assigned.
- Class was taken in summer school (bring transcript to Registrar/Counselor to verify.
- Schedule is missing a class/period (hole in schedule).
- Student previously failed course with same teacher.
- Prior teacher approval, if required, was not obtained.
We cannot honor requests to change the schedule for specific and/or different teachers than assigned at the start of the school year/semester unless one of the 7 reasons above applies. There are no guarantees.
*All students must be enrolled in English for all four years and be enrolled in math and science for the first three years.
*Seniors must be enrolled in English and Government/Economics on campus.
*All 9th, 10th, and 11th grades must be enrolled in 6 classes.