Capstone Project & Certification
In order to certify in your Academy, you MUST complete a Senior Capstone Project. There are different levels of certification:
- If you are certifying with "Recognition," your project may be based on any area of interest.
- If you intend to certify with "Honors" or "High Honors," your project must be directly associated with your area of certification.
The Capstone Project is effectively the last step in a four-year process for special honors and recognition in one or more areas of emphasis. You are welcome to complete a Senior Project even if you do not plan on certifying, however, you will still be asked to meet expectations and deadlines.
What does the process entail?
- Attend an informational meeting (Spring Junior Year) during ACE - join Google Classroom if interested in participating
- Check specific Academy Certification Requirements for your pathway - if you have questions about the course requirements, meet with your Head of School and Head of Pathway to determine eligibility
- Brainstorm ideas for your Senior Project (Spring or Summer of Junior Year) - discuss them with your Head of Pathway and/or mentor, as well as your Faculty Advisor if necessary
- Officially submit your Proposal Application and begin work (Fall Senior Year) - work can begin during your junior year if you have received approval from your Faculty Advisor
How do I know what my Certification Requirements are?
It depends on your academy. Click on the links below to find your requirements and Heads of Schools:
- Mrs. Roth: School of Letters and Sciences
- Mr. Cybulski: School of Visual and Performing Arts
- Mr. Abbe: School of Digital Arts and Technology
What is a Senior Capstone Project anyway?
After reviewing your pathway certification requirements and identifying your mentor, you are ready to submit your proposal for your project. Before committing to a Capstone Project, understand that it consists of:
(a) a project of your choice that showcases an area of interest in which you will research and develop a plan to showcase the knowledge and skills and extends your learning beyond the SSHS classroom. Every SSHS senior is invited to complete a senior project that demonstrates the core values of Santa Susana High School: scholarship, skill, honor, and service.
(b) a digital portfolio, which includes information about you personally, the project you completed, why you chose that project, how you gained the knowledge and skills required for the project, and what you learned by completing the project. See exemplary examples from SSHS Alumni.
(c) a multimedia presentation to present to panelists which summarizes the key points of your portfolio.
Students may be eligible to earn 5 credits on their transcript for the completion of their Senior Project. Please contact or see Mrs. Estrada for more information.
How will my Project be scored?
The Senior Project will be assessed by the SSHS faculty and/or community members. Participating seniors will be provided a rubric prior to completing senior project presentations.
Ready to get started?
Join Google Classroom! All senior project submissions must be done through Google Classroom. Need the code? Reach out to Mrs. Estrada.
Ready to certify?
You must apply! Students who have completed Senior Project presentations may be eligible candidates for academy certification. At the completion of their Capstone Project presentations, students will receive and submit the following:
a copy of their transcript
a copy of the certification requirements (available here)
a Letter of Senior Project Completion (from mentor)
Timeline of Events
- Spring of Junior Year: Decide on project idea, find a mentor, join Google Classroom, and prepare for senior year!
- September of Senior Year: Project Proposal Application & Mentor/Parent Commitment Forms Due
- October-February of Senior Year: Additional assignments submitted through Google Classroom to check on student progress
- March of Senior Year: Senior Capstone Project Presentation Day
- May of Senior Year: Certification Application Deadline
Important Definitions
School - There are three schools at SSHS (School of Letters & Sciences; School of Digital Arts & Technology; School of Visual & Performing Arts) used to organize all of our academics. Each school has a Head of School who oversees student certification.
Academy - an emphasis within a school
Pathway - a sequence of classes for each academy that lead to certification (certification requirements)
Certification - the result of completing the required classes in a pathway and completing a Senior Capstone Project
Advisor - a SSHS faculty member who guides a student through the technical process of certification such as completing paperwork, meeting deadlines, and helps in project ideas. This person is likely to be the teacher who is in charge of your academy. If not, it would be the Dean/Head of your school.
Mentor - an adult, either on campus or off, who is an expert in the area of your project. This person provides expertise and guidance. Mentor and Advisor could be the same person if absolutely necessary.